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  • Webcomic Blog

    Comics and Technology: Finding Direction in a Technological Age

    Up until the last 15 years or so, if you were a comic book fan, if you wanted to buy comics, you would go to the comic shop or book store, period. Other than the Ultraverse foray into really expensive CD comics, there really was no electronic form of comics readily available. This worked out fine 15 years ago, but today, webcomics are as abundant...

    Comics Submissions' Mysterious Disappearance Wed Dec 12 2012
    The comic submission database is back up, though I had no idea it was gone in the first place. All I can say is, "oops!" I was checking up on some site maintenance-type things and realized there hadn't been any new comic submissions in a while. This was due to the submission database pulling a fast one and going AWOL. Well, if you have tried to submit a new series and it failed, please resubmit it under your control panel and I will try to approve it as quick as I can. Thank you for your patience with this insanely temperamental technology.
    New Server...Go! ^_^ Tue Mar 13 2012
    The entire site has been transferred to my dedicated server, so hopefully everything still works...*wink* So, if there is something you find doesn't work, please be patient and post a status update in your CP about the problem. Some features probably won't work any more, such as FTP, because of the structure of the server, but you should still be able to upload comics through your CP. Anyway, I'm not sure if everything will be perfect, but I'm crossing my fingers!
    Preview Shmeview Wed Mar 16 2011
    I know the thumbnail images have been buggy lately, but I've tinkered with it here and there trying to figure out what's making the system not generate a thumbnail when you upload a comic page. It's been happening only to certain people for a long time, and I've tried collecting data, and still no answers have emerged. I'll keep an eye on the situation, though. Plus, I've had other obligations to attend to, but hopefully I'll find a lead sooner or later... Thanks for hanging in there!
    New Link Format Wed Jan 12 2011
    I have been working on updating the way links are formatted on Comic Domination, so you will probably see your comic formatted as: If you have links floating out there to pages formatted like so:, these will still work, so no need to stress out about it. I will be using the first format from now on, though so when linking to your pages, try to use that format.
    Get Socially Active! Wed Nov 10 2010
    If you don't frequent your profile page just to sit and stare at how cool your avatar is, you probably haven't noticed some of the changes implemented as of late. Though it's close, it isn't perfect, but there have been some much needed changes to the information shown on your profile, and how it's displayed.

    There has also been a "shout" feature added so that you can leave comments on your friends' walls. Plus, your friends' updates will automatically show in your Control Panel when you first log in.

    I am hoping to implement a user search box or master user list of some kind soon, so bear with me. Stick in there, there's a whole lot more coming your way!! :)
    Take the Poll Thu Oct 21 2010
    Okay, I converted the forum post to a poll so that you can vote confidentially without having to post a reply. Stand up for your rights as a webcomics creator and vote!
    R U Ready? Wed Sep 29 2010
    There haven't been many updates lately mainly because of other things needing attention, but there is a list in progress of things that need to be done to the site to make your job as a webcomics author easier. Hopefully all the items in the list will get done eventually, but each item needs to be prioritized because there are so many things yet to be done. Check out this forum post and reply if you want to help decide what comes next on Comic Domination: Click here for the post!
    Bye-Bye, Bugs! Sun Aug 22 2010
    Awesomeness. I feel really relieved now, because I fixed some bugs that have been plaguing the website for a number of months now. Signups are more streamlined now, and publishers will now see their pages published instantly when their comic is approved.

    This won't be the last feature that will be upgraded for webcomic publishers. You will already find tons of features available to publishers and readers and a fully customizable experience for your comic, but I will continue to add features between working on my own comic, 3 Witches. I recently added a more convenient way to browse the newest pages, comic series, and ecomics, so I'm really satisfied with how the layout of the pages is turning out. So, until next time, keep reading your favorite indie comics, and check back often for more updates!
    Webcomic Hosting Tue Aug 17 2010
    I have had several signups lately where the user submits a comic for review but doesn't follow through and publish any pages with their account. So, I'm wondering if the user interface is too confusing when you access your control panel. I am hoping to simplify it. If anyone has any suggestions, feel free to send me a message via the contact link in the top link bar.

    Anyway, I've got a few tweaks I'll be doing to the website, so maybe that'll help. In the meantime, read on!!
    Downtime is Bad...M'kay? Mon Jun 21 2010
    The website went through some problems with the domain name not working, but I think it's straightened out now (the fact that the website loads is a good thing in itself.) Anyway, thanks for your patience, everybody!

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